Sunday, 4 October 2009


A 7" chocolate sponge with vanilla buttercream made into a bag for Amy's 14th birthday. The design was mainly based on one of Debbie Browns.

Lilac and lemon

A 10" lemon sponge with lemon buttercream. Decorated with lemon blossoms and little butterflies.

Super Mario

A 6" chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream for little Jake on his fifth birthday.

Blue Angel

Carol is truly mad about angels and just had to have one on her cake. This is a 10" rich chocolate cake with a Baileys buttercream filling.

Sapphire Wedding Anniversary

A marzipan and iced rich fruit cake for a Sapphire wedding anniversary. Nicky from Small Things Iced kindly lent me her design. Thank you Nicky!

Sunday, 30 August 2009


An 8" chocolate sponge with vanilla buttercream. A friends little girl is Dora the Explora mad especially the character Boots. He is made from Sugarpaste.


A cake design I found whilst surfing and came across Debbies Sweet Art. Just seemed perfect for my tank mad husbands birthday. So here is my take on her design. A rich fruit cake with marzipan and sand coloured sugarpaste. My son even helped paint some of the camouflage!

Train Christening

Rich fruit cake 12" base with a 6" sponge and buttercream top tier. Lots of stars, blocks and a train for a little boys special day. Design inspired by one of Catherine Scotts cakes.

Noahs Ark

A fun vanilla sponge and buttercream cake with lots and lots of sugarpaste animals! Design based mainly on Debbie Browns original who I was lucky enough to meet and chat with at a domonstration.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Pink Wedding

What a lovely cake to be asked to make. I had great fun with all the colours, Sparkles and glittery bits. Three tier sponge, chocolate with bailey's buttercream, lemon with lemon buttercream and vanilla with vanilla buttercream.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

10 Pin Bowling

A 10 pin bowling cake for a bowling birthday party. Chocolate sponge with loads of buttercream.

Blue and White Wedding

White iced wedding cake with pearl dusted blue daisy shaped flowers. Each tier has a row of white iced pearls topped with an edible pearlessent dot. Bottom tier is a rich fruit cake with brandy and marzipan. Next is a cherry and almond Madeira cake with marzipan followed by a chocolate fudge cake with a chocolate Bailey's Butter cream and the top tier is as for the base tier. The whole cake is topped off with a spray of white and blue pearl beads.

Little Doll

Egg free chocolate sponge cake with vanilla butter cream filling, made for a little girl who is very allergic to eggs. I never realised the number of things I use that have eggs in them....icing sugar would you believe! This was a challenge and so was the lighting...Where is the sun?

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Elegant Swirls

Deep pink and claret swirls, beads and flowers on a pearlised ivory vanilla sponge with ivory pearls around the base.

Clowning Around

A vanilla sponge with vanilla buttercream iced for a little boy who was having a circus party.

Busy Bees

An egg free chocolate sponge cake made as a trial for a friend. I iced it for our toddler group..."Busy Bees" end of term pic nic. My children helped to make the marzipan bees. Great fun was had by all and the busy bees also enjoyed eating it!

Pretty Cupcakes

Some little chocolate cupcakes for an end of term committee meeting.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Butterfly and Blossom Wedding Cake

Ivory iced cake with a little dusky pink (to match bridesmaids) on the flowers and butterflies. Bottom tier very rich fruit cake, followed by a chocolate sponge with vanilla butter cream and finally topped off with a vanilla sponge with vanilla butter cream. The whole cake was finally dusted with a sparkling lustre.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Ruby Flowers

Ruby Flowers for a ruby wedding cake.

Snoozing Builder

A fun little cake for a builder.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Beetle Power

A fun cake for a fun persons 40th birthday surprise.

A Little Angel

An angel christening cake for beautiful little Abigail.

Time for tea!

Some little mini chocolate cupcakes for an after school treat.

Flower Cupcakes

A selection of cupcakes for a good friends birthday.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Charlie and Lola

I found it very difficult to not put a smile on Charlies face...but he doesn't smile so there you have it.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Pink Christening

A little cherub christening cake for a beautiful little girls' special day.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Chocolate and lime

Chocolate and lime large cake with 50 co-ordinating cupcakes

Christening Cake

Stripey Christening train cake for a special little boy.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Pink and Purple Flower Tower

A little cutting cake and 30 matching cupcakes for the birthday girl and her friends.